Thread: Eaarth
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Old 11-01-2010, 07:37 PM   #92 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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I have the cure for human driven, CO2 GHG, global warming:

Peak oil
Peak natural gas
Peak coal

I have done a lot to reduce my carbon footprint, for various reasons. I teach environmental stewardship classes at my church, etc etc etc.

Even if global warming is absolutely true, and going to cause horrific problems, I am not convinced that we "eco-conscious", and frugality driven, and hypermiler competitive types, will have any significant influence on the big growing economies of the world, right now.

Let's face realities. China is building two new coal fired power plants, per week!

India and China have a rapidly growing middle class. And let's face it, North Americans are the best marketing people in the history of the universe. They want what we have had for decades. The emerging middle class in the former 3rd world, care little for our enviro concerns.

The event that will bring all this back into balance, is fossil fuels becoming VERY expensive.

That will happen in the next decade or so, whether we want it to or not.

Then, we will all get really good at conservation, whether we want to or not.

A few of us will be leading the charge. But don't get your hopes up until then. We're just not going to influence China, India, etc, with Kyoto protocols, or anything like it.

In the meantime, I feel obligated to do the best I can with what I have.

Please carry on.

2004 VW TDI PD on bio

want to build 150 mpg diesel streamliner.