Scangauge thinks I used 18 gallons when I filled up. It was removed from my old vehicle and stuck in a drawer for 6 months. When I filled up it thought I put in 18 gallons. When I corrected it to 9.7 it changed it a bunch of %( I don't remember exactly)I mean drastically like 68%. I have a 99 Escort with a 13 gallon tank and the scangauge says I have 1900 miles til empty. Please help. Also, the SG does not want to come on in the morning, it flickers on and off. In the afternoon when I get out of work it fires right up. ??
Going by my trip meter I went 380.8 miles on 9.7 gallons, I figure I got 39 MPG.
Thanks all


2006 Pontiac Vibe 36 MPG 5 speed
1999 Ford Escort Base Model 2.0 5 speed
Scangage II
FULL disc wheel covers
Sears Guardsman plus tires 44 PSI
Best tank 42 MPG 244K