Originally Posted by ShadeTreeMech
LOL the frenchmen are a bit too, um, cocky to hug without feeling a bit concerned. That and now they hate us anyway.
Funnily enough I had this chat with a 'merkin friend of mine a short while ago who was really hated them. The French really don't hate the USA at all. Even when the US was apparently boycotting French goods (you know, when French imports to the US
) in the mid naughties the French still for the most part liked the USA and still do.
Originally Posted by ShadeTreeMech
Then again, we did free them from the Germans in the 1940s. (with some valuable help from the Brits, for certain.)
Glad we could help by not being invaded.

We have to be nice to the French these days as their planes will be on our
aircraft carriers as we can't afford the planes on our own any more.
Originally Posted by ShadeTreeMech
Come to think of it, I'm partly French. Maybe I should give my wine drinking ancestor a hug 
You are in touch with your inner Frenchman.

I'm more of an Australian / South African / New Zealand wine man myself. Probably my empire roots coming through. I'm possibly keeping those economies afloat though with my consumption.
Originally Posted by ShadeTreeMech
Either way, the result is here today...and I'm thankful for all those involved. But the chance to poke the ribs of a friendly Brit was irresistable. 
I consider myself poked.
Managing OK out there in the colonies without us are you ?

My wife is Indian so we are strongly considering a move there, after all their economy is booming, especially tech.