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Old 11-03-2010, 03:58 PM   #32 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Canadian Metric 0.81m

Here's my current version of the MPGuino software, metric version. It is not based on the metric version currently distributed by dcb, it is an evolution of 075metric that I posted last year.

It contains these "improvements":

- built with Arduino IDE 0020, targeting Atmega 328

- I have successfully used my Spiffie MPGuino and Freeduino platforms to program the 328 for a couple of people who asked for it, so far everything has been compatible with the "Official MPGuino" from dcb - just pop out the 168 from the Official MPGuino and pop in the 328

- added SKelly's font hack to make the large fonts more readable

- added big vehicle speed display

- added alternating L/100KM / MPG display for Tank and Current

- modified edit parameter to leave cursor under OK, instead of the first
non-zero digit

- don't calculate MaxLoop (for CPU % statistic) while the user is operating the configuration menu

- added Tank save to EEPROM, reload on power up

- added comments to the code

By the way, I've been concentrating on metric outputs and although the US gallons/MPG are still supposed to work - well, they haven't been testing in awhile. If anyone can test that and report back, it would be great.

I hope this helps somebody

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