Originally Posted by JasonG
The pulling together is the airflow rushing between the trailers creating a vacuum.
This sounds crazy but, dont fight it. Let them pull together and they will seperate when the pass is complete.
fighting it will lead to sway and a potential comming together as the air flow destabilizes.
9MPG -12MPG ?
You should be getting better than that, although you are going 75MPH.
I get 12-14 with that thing V
Well about the only thing to fill in the gap on my setup is to put a flexiable connection between the truck and the trailer. Something that is on springs or maybe surgical tubing imbedded in a vinyl wrap. That way there is no drag behind the truck.
I tend to drive 64 at the most even when the speed limit is 75. Seems to get the best right around 60-64 now with the new parts I put on the truck.
Funny thing is when just driving the truck, I am getting around 21mpg on the highway at 60. Thats with the air dam, side skirts and mods on the bumper and grill area.