I'm having trouble getting my mind around the possibility of the Gen III Prius
having worse aero than the Gen II. I'm no fan of the overall Gen III shape/look,
so it would make me happy in a perverse way if worse aero went with it...
That said, I want to believe it's something else.
I take it that the roll-downs are done in "neutral"...
Well, as neutral as a Prius gets; all the bits are still connected through
the PSD, and "neutral" is just a HSD imposed/created electronic condition.
IIRC, on the Gen II, in "neutral" there is just the slightest power being used,
~0.7 HP. I'm guessing that is to overcome drag from spinning the ICE.
Could the Gen III be using a different "neutral" algorithm so that the ICE drag
isn't compensated for?
And then, the Gen III has more aggressive regen if the roll downs were done
in D, in a "blue arrows" coast.