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Old 11-06-2010, 07:58 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CapriRacer View Post
Unfortunately, for passenger car tires, that is only true at slower speeds. RR climbs exponentially at higher speeds. 50 mph seems to be the breakoff point - which is also unfortunately within normal driving speeds.

I suggest you add a note that the RR part is only true below 50 mph and explain what happens to RR at higher speeds.
I am aware of substantial deviations from the F=AVē+C model, and that F=AVē+BV+C gives a better curve fit. Is that all in the tires?

Can you give me an alternative to CRR model?

btw, here's Google Image Search for "pacejka rolling resistance":

If the first data point had been plotted at 0.0001 mph instead of 0, it would probably match the rest of the curve.

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