From your description of a Field Shaping Device - are you envisioning something like a SEPEX motor/controller, but with the ability to feed more than a few amps to the field? This may be doable with a pair of off-the-shelf controllers. The complex part would be synchronizing the outputs to provide the appropriate speed/power.
The FW resistor doesn't get very warm at cruise power settings. It is only bypassing perhaps 10 amps at steady state 25 MPH. It gets red hot if I accidentally leave it turned on when accelerating from a dead stop, however!
I like the idea of adding or reducing field strength, but 'stealing' power from the field to put back into the batteries probably wouldn't amount to much - the losses will always be greater than the gains. But could be better than the 100% loss of a resistive dump load.
Along the multi-controller stream of consciousness, I've thought about adding a second controller to provide regenerative braking. The mechanical parts/contactors to make it transfer to regen mode seem to be a bit complicated, as is regulating the voltage before the regen controller comes on line so the controller FETs don't get zapped.