Hello, as a fairly new member of Ecomodder, I have been looking for a more economical car, and found a 98 Jetta 2.0 a couple weeks ago. While crawling around under the car inspecting it, replacing brakes, doing alignment etc., I saw there were no belly pans, though there were mounting points for them. So, I guess now that the recent election is over I'll be looking for election signs to make into belly pans! My first tank of gas produced 25.597 mpg, so it will be fun seeing how mpg's improve with various repairs and modifications. Midway through tank #1, I replaced most of the vacuum lines, as I knew there were some leaks there since the transmission was having shifting issues(full trans service coming soon), and sure enough, big improvement in driveability right away, and trans working better but not perfect.
I will be doing a better writeup soon, perhaps more like a blog, tracking my "new" old car "restoration" project. Should be fun!I look forward to seeing mpg improvements with best bang for the buck!