Originally Posted by Frank Lee
Just like with the rounded tail, I don't see how this one could work at actually reducing drag- looks like it tapers in too quickly to have attached flow. But you really got that much mpg improvement? For sure? Better run a few more tanks through before sticking with that claim...
I saw an study done by NASA a few years back with the boat tail design. I adapted that study to my trailer setup. Although I don't have the full aero mods done yet to see the full potential of the boat tail design, that is coming. If you look it up on the web, you can see the study and see that it has a trunciated design and a full boat tail. Pretty impressive results.
I have drove for two days with this setup and put on over 1145 miles to this point.
101 miles 7.11 gallons, 14.20 mpg. Going up and over mt. pass 60 mph.
228 miles 20.83 gallons, 10.945 mpg. 60 mph
162 miles 13.93 gallons, 11.665 mpg., 60 mph
229 miles 20.07 gallons, 11.41 mpg. 60 mph
169 miles 14.86 gallons, 11.37 mpg. 60 mph
257 miles 21.75 gallons, 11.77 mpg. 60 mph
11.89 average. Before I had any mods, I drove around 10,000 miles and I was lucky to get 9mpg.
This next tank I am on, I bumped up the speed and am showing another mile per gallon increase, but will see when I get the tank full.