hmm says output is 2 to 32 v how would you SET IT to 2v ? They appear to have other output current models so they have what I need to meet my needs and the cost is not bad at $10 a pop. not cheap but doable.
I do not know how to read schema but can gleam a little info but I fail to see HOW you set the output voltage. ie how do you set it to 2 volt 3.3 volt or 32 volt???
ahh that link with the guide has some VERY NICE and EASY to use regulators. Vin Grnd V out then I can just use resistors to control the current since the voltage is correct almost no power is lost in the resistor to control the current.
They are more money but super easy :-) only $5 more though.
question. These things are powerful enough to run ALL the lights in the car at the same time. I could just use TWO one for the red and yellow and one for the white led's
is there a SINGLE input power feed to these lights? IE instead of putting a v regulator on each bulb I could just make the WHOLE TRUNK 2v to run the lights (or would there be too much loss in that much wire at 2v ??)