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Old 11-09-2010, 12:03 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Thumbs up Aero reverse trike project: Ninja 250 or Lifan 200 with electric assist/EV mode

Hi Guys, ive been lurking a while and have been a bit more active over at the EV forums.

Here is the plan:

I have built 5 reverse trikes so far, this will be a 6th. Ill likely use a ninja 250 motor or possibly a lifan 200cc as "gears 3 through 9"

Here is what I mean...

The trike will have a 12v winch motor (4.8 hp rated pushed to 24v and about 7 hp) serving as reverse and low gear for taking off, the electric motor will take the vehicle up to about 20 mph then "retract" from its own seperate drive chain (looking for input on a design for this)

After that, the gas engine would take over.

The trike will have about the same frontal area of a motorcycle 8.5 sq ft and hoping for about .16 or .17 cd so cruising hp should be between 5 and 6 by my math.

The idea is to gear the gas motor so its 5 or 6 gears (Kawi or Lifan) so its 1st gear is what its 3rd gear is (if that makes sense)

Any input or ideas would be most welcomed :-)

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