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Old 11-09-2010, 10:24 PM   #82 (permalink)
I have to start over?
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 214

Big inefficient truck - '94 Dodge Ram 2500
90 day: 12.1 mpg (US)

Honda Civic - '84 Honda Civic DX Hatchback
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This evening I put on my half belly pan! It is a 4x8 sign with a 8" by 48" rectangle cut off to make the front fit between the tires.
For the support needed, I welded studs (threaded metal, not wooden 2x4s) onto my frame near the front and rear suspension mounts. Then I bolted a 6 foot 2x2 piece of wood onto them, and simply screwed the coroplast onto it with washers. The front zip ties onto the bottom of the airdam supports (which I raised about 1.5 inches, and angled forward more).

The beams put the anchor lines a few inches lower, making the coroplast have plenty of clearance for the exhaust, namely the catalytic converter. After a test drive, the plastic was warm but not too warm. I'm sure it still gets plenty of airflow to keep it cool

There wasn't really enough light to get pictures, I'll try to remember tomorrow
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