I may be a little biased, so Im looking for input as to an "eyeball estimate" as to my designs drag ratio.
as pictured, it will have about 9sq ft of frontal area and no line drops or tapers more then 15% after its "fatpoint" toward the nose.
I will of course tuck latches with great care and use vents sparingly.
I calculated the hp required at .15cd 9sq ft frontal area 900 lbs with rider etc and it was something like 5
(an assumption I have from a fair amount of research is that 10hp = 1 gallon per hour so 5hp= .5 gal per hour etc.
I did the math from there and came to the number that, over a vehicles 100,000 miles (my idea of an "ownership period) that for every 1/10th horsepower your not burning, your keeping $42 in your pocket, assuming a $3 gas price.
a) Id like to hear if that theory is flawed somehow. and b) it really puts mods and design considerations into a cool perspective, IE "Hmm, that mod will save me .4hp but cost me $300, its only worth $168"
Anywho.. The question im asking myself at the moment, is that, as pictured is the consensus that Belaero is to begin with, and what, for a guess would it be if I were to fully enclose the wheels?