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Old 11-12-2010, 12:39 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Anyone here know how to sell a product/idea to a major company?


Here's the problem- I have a product that can add up to a 20% (average is about 15%) increase in fuel mileage. Doesn't sound like a problem yet right? It could be blended into oil or added directly to the crankcase and achieve the same results- it is friction reduction that allows the fuel savings as well as added horsepower from reduced drag. It has been proven to increase durabilty and extend times between rebuilds in heavy equipment. It has been run through numerous tests by an accredited oil testing firm. It has been patented (Canadian and US). It has been marketed in Canada and abroad, but not in the USA.

I am out of money. I was working with a business partner to try and bring it to market in the US using the blended in oil plan (the additive approach was used in Canada and abroad and failed, except for some pockets in the heavy equipment industry) and marketing it at first to the high performance/racing market and then spinoff a second line aimed at mainstream consumers. I started a small company with my partner to bring a different product to market that did not require the capital outlay, and guess what? Not going to name names- though I feel I should, but needless to say after 2 years I found the partner had stolen (most of the) funds that was going to be used to market the oil, and absconded back to Canada. This has wiped out the company and left me damn near broke.

So I am going to sell the product formula. The questions are many as I have never tried to sell a product that hasnt made it to market to any company. I dont even know what kind of lawyer to retain as counsel. Any lawyer types here that can point me in the right direction? Anyone have any input at all here? Anyone want to buy it?? Any and all input is appreciated. Dennis

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