I am working on a similar idea with my build: an all-composite tadpole built kind of along the lines of California Commuter but with more upright seating and handlebar steering. I bought a copy of Doug Malewicki's booklet on construction of the CC and may build one someday, but the reclining driving position seems a little difficult to get my 54 year old body in and out of...(I would recommend anyone interested in building a similar vehicle to get a copy - lots of useful information and ideas. I plan on using a 250 engine as well, but have been toying with the idea of a small diesel in parallel with a DC motor. It would run all electric to 25-30 mph, then engage a clutch to couple the diesel to the drivetrain and use the electric as torque assist for acceleration once cruising speed is reached. As an alternative, I have thought about leaving the motor and the diesel solidly connected, arrange a valve to vent the combustion chamber (so the engine doesn't drag on the motor) which would close at the 25-30 mph threshhold.
Build progress is slow since it is one of many projects, but I have some pieces cut of the carbon-fiber honeycomb I am using as a "frame" and a collection of fiberglass and carbon cloth, a gallon of epoxy and some other miscellaneous bits...