I haven't really looked into the electric drive part of it that carefully. If I build it I would like it to be able to drive the car up to 60mph on just electric. Range would be no real concern since I would have the gas motor to recharge the batteries when needed.
So if it would go for 5-10 minutes at 60mph on electric before the motor would need to start and run for 5 minutes or so to recharge the batteries that would work out fine for me. An alternator running full field can put out 70V or more so even if I run 60V batteries I can still recharge them.
I was thinking this way if I wanted fast acceleration I could use gas and electric to accelerate. Should make the car pretty fast that way. And if I am just driving slow and staying local I won't even need the gas motor and can recharge when I get home.
I need to look into motors and see what kind of motor it will take to do it. I figure it will be one speed, hooking a transmission to it would be hard to do so I will just have to use sprockets and chain drive to pick the right gear for the motor to give me the speed I want.
if I use the 175/70TR14 tires I was planning they turn 866 revs per mile. The first motor I see on
ebay has these specs:
* Torque constant = 1.2 in-lbs/amp
* Voltage constant = 70 RPM/volt
* 100A continuous, 200A/1 minute, 300A/30 seconds
* 24-36V design voltage, 48V absolute max
* 88% efficient
So if I ran 36V that gives me a max rpm of around 2500 so I would need about 3:1 gearing to get the desired speed. I don't plan on using that motor it looks really cheap and probably unreliable. But it gives me some numbers to play with to see what it takes to make what I want work.
But this is all stuff that won't happen anytime soon. I still need to get a working car before I put any serious effort into this idea.