Originally Posted by SvdM
Hi there, I have a couple of questions I would like to bounce off of you guys.
I have noticed that there is quite a bit of space in some of the exhaust tunnels and wondered that if one was able to add tubing to duct air more efficiently through there (thus not increasing FA) from part of the radiator to the rear of the vehicle. Would a ram-effect of incoming air be strong enough to carry air at a higher pressure than atmosphere to help fill the low-pressure at the back of the vehicle or would these gains be quite negligible?
I know there would still be losses, but if this system was well made, would one be able to supply the rear with more litres of air than a normal clean underbody would?
Dr,Alberto Morrelli analyzed the cooling system drag of the CNR "banana car" and reached a drag minimum after four short exit ducts were positioned and channeled such that air would join the surrounding low pressure airstream at the same velocity so as not to trigger separation.Internal duct losses were kept to a minimum by the short runs.
Ford and GM concept cars go ahead and simply move the radiator to the back of the car so it may exhaust into the low pressure wake.
If you'd like to research duct losses,you could get a hold of an ASHRAE Manual.