FL, your plan would be tricky to squeeze by DOT, NHTSA as well as our friendly insurance ppl. look at crashworthyness itself, then added weight, and increased complexity/ production costs. finally try explaining to the beancounters at a large crapporation how the ROI on the extra $20k per truck will work.
cabheight, i feel could be easily reduced as is. how much headroom does a tractor really need, and those silly visors are they really nessesary or just a statement? of course you will have to run a taller truck cap with an even steeper angle and ...
dcb, i have been attempting to perpetuate change since i got off the boat 1/4 century ago. ppl generally smile when i attempt to introduce new concepts to the general public. never sure if they actually understood the point i was attempting to make or if it was their way to politely blowing me off.
!!idling!! where i live you can have your head blown off by suggesting to shut off an unused engine after 5 minutes. it is their birthright. they paid for the fuel, damnit!!
i'll make you a deal when the responsible ppl in this country approach 50% i will sign up for charm school with a P.C. elective.