Detailed safety information for this generation Mercury Topaz include detailed crash test scores from the NHTSA.
NHTSA Crash-Test Results
Test 1994 Topaz
Front Impact, Driver 4
Front Impact, Passenger 4
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) tests a vehicle's worthiness in front- and side-impact collisions and rates its resistance to rollovers. Front-impact crash-test numbers indicate the chance of serious injury: 5 = 10% or less; 4 = 10-20%; 3 = 20-35%; 2 = 35-45%; 1 = More than 45%.
Automated safety belts and air bags available two years before mandated:
U.S. statistics show that in 2005, head-on crashes were only 2.0% of all crashes, yet accounted for 10.1% of US fatal crashes.
In the U.S. in 2009 there were 1.13 fatalities per 100,000,000 vehicle miles travelled, or 1 fatality per 88,500,000 miles. I usually put on far less than 10,000 miles/year, but let's use 14,000 miles/year as what the average U.S. motorist racks up- he/she will have to drive 6,300 years before they get fatally whacked. What about the bad old days? Let's just pick a time when there were TWICE as many fatalities/100M miles. That would be 3,150 years of driving before the axe falls.
OOoooooooo, scary.