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Old 11-17-2010, 12:23 AM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Optima Battery Question

ok, so I had a little accident today... I have 2 brand new Optima D34M Blue-Top Marine Batteries which were connected in parallel in my van... As you may know, they have regular car (SAE) top-posts right next to a set of (5/16" stud) screw-posts... While working on it today, an aluminum box lid (connected to common ground) fell on top of the positive screw-on post on one of the batteries... I noticed within seconds, but by then the post was already glowing bright red and managed to weld the wing-nut to itself... I was able to take the wing-nut off with pliers pretty easily, yet there is a slight but noticeable damage near the bottom of the screw-post's base...

I just took both batteries to Autozone to get tested, the one that didn't get hit tested "good" all around... the one that took the hit tested "good" on the SAE top-posts, but tested "bad" on the screw-posts... I first thought that maybe a connection plate between the 2 sets of posts got fried, but both sets of posts output normal voltage though, so I am puzzled...

how is that possible??? is it safe to keep using the battery that took the hit by connecting only to the top posts, since they tested "good"??? is it going to take out my other battery if I reconnect them together again??? any ideas are appreciated, thanks in advance...

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