Originally Posted by Braebyrn
So for the gap between the truck and trailer I am thinking of making some kind of a foam filled structure. Simular to what is on loading docks that the semi's back up into. That way when you turn it collapses when pinched and expands back to normal. Maybe fastened with velcro?
The newest boat tail made it 4500+ miles without any incidents. I even met a person that patented an inflatable boat tail. He said he followed me for a good long while and said he was surprised it didn't move at all. Glad to hear it since I can't see it.
I'll see about tuft testing it this week.
There's probably hundreds of good solutions to the problem.And the 'foam; approach is as valid as any.
I'm doing rigid,hinged panels,but maybe each member who's willing,could take another path and then we can weigh out the merits of each design.
Since the 'filler' is only needed going straight down the road,it itself could be an inflated structure which deflates for urban warfare.
Perhaps up at Green Bay,Wisconsin they have inflated 'Cheese-head' yard displays you could adapt between truck and trailer.( Kidding!)