Originally Posted by redyaris
If you don't like the rules for access to public roads then you have several options
1. Don't drive on them
2. Lobby government to change the rules, If you have good evidence...
3.Buy land and build your own roads, then you can make the rules for access.
The rules of the road are what we deside they are based on the best evidence available. if you don't like the rules gather evidence as to why the rules should be different and then try to convice the rest of us [who are all owners of the PUBLIC roads] that the new rules are better.
You left out
4. Disobey the rules.
The rules of the road are not always based on the best evidence. They are based on what is politically expedient and/or what special interest groups have managed to ram through and/or what provides the most revenue while still being on the side of public acceptance.