Originally Posted by Thymeclock
It is not a valid comparison because the power source is different. Compare models that run exclusively on gasoline to others that also do. Otherwise this discussion is pointless.
You may want to ignore technological advances, but that was the point of the discussion. If you don't want to participate in the discussion, then why are you posting? Your ridiculous limitations are akin to posting in a photography forum, and insisting that everyone ignore digital cameras because film is the only way cameras capture images.
Originally Posted by Thymeclock
If you don't acknowledge that weight is a major factor is fuel economy, nothing I say will convince you. I don't need to prove anything. Denial is 'more than a river in Egypt'.
You made a claim that weight was more important than rolling resistance and drag effects. You can't prove your point. You
DO need to prove your claim, or you're proving you're the person in denial.
Boycotting Exxon since 1989, BP since 2010
Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac? George Carlin
Mean Green Toaster Machine
49.5 mpg avg over 53,000 miles. 176% of '08 EPA
Best flat drive 94.5 mpg for 10.1 mi
Longest tank 1033 km (642 mi) on 10.56 gal = 60.8 mpg