The one of the shifter with the fork in the back ground has my kill switch on it, and my bicycle shifter throttle hold. (they are located on the aluminum mount on the shifter not on the fork) The previous owner's dog chewed the shifter all up. I used a pocket knife to remove the sharp bite marks resulting in a very custom shifter knob.
the other is the cluster and guino. The cluster is out of a civic EX with an auto. note the neat lights by the temp and fuel gauges. The plastic bezel was broken while trying to trouble shoot the dash issue, in 25*F.
Learn from the mistakes of others, that way when you mess up you can do so in new and interesting ways.
One mile of road will take you one mile, one mile of runway can take you around the world.
Last edited by bestclimb; 11-21-2010 at 05:08 PM..