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Old 04-19-2008, 01:41 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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the metro experience (retired) - '94 geo metro 4 dr HB
90 day: 66.44 mpg (US)
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Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post
Seeing lots of Metros on the road lately

I've seen more metros this spring than I ever have. Seems like a couple times a week I spot one on the road that I've never seen before. I parked next to a 4dr hb 5spd the other day when I was running an errand. Last time I filled up an xfi pulled up on the other side of the pump. There are 4-5 metros that live along my commute. On guy I saw near my work had an early 90s 2dr with some aftermarket spoiler on the hatch, he was eyeballing mine as much as I was his . Seems like they are making a big come back in my area, as well they should .


Best tank= 81.23 mpg on 07-01-2008
Longest range= 791 miles on 9.74 gallons
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