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Old 11-21-2010, 07:00 PM   #3 (permalink)
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It still baffles my mind why no dealer here wanted to stock any Cobalt XFEs. Just like other owners of this model of car, when I asked about it the sales people had a puzzled look as to what I was speaking of. Then the G.M. data base the dealers use to search for cars on the lots had no obvious means of searching for the XFE. Finally I discovered one had to search for a stick shift model and all of them were XFE cars. This was July of 2009, no new XFE could be located in my state but finally two were found on a couple of lots within a 350 mile search. Still I have yet to even once see XFE stamped on the back of the many Cobalts that travel on our roads.

Now the first Cruise the Dealer has is being pitted for it's engine and speed. I seen the EPA of 35, and thought "Gosh my XFE had an EPA of 37 and I get better". I have read a lot about The Cruise being a 42 MPG plus car, (Now I read EPA is 40) but it appears the car lots will be pushing the faster ones instead of even trying to go after the gas-sipper market. I wonder if it has something to do with some of these GM cars getting mileage close to some of their hybrids. I must admit, I still admire the Toyota Prius hybrid, and they are quickly becoming popular here in the foot-hills of the Kentucky mountains (normally an area better known for large 4X4 pickup trucks). It seems so odd to see the Prius cars suddenly being driven side by side with all of our "good ole boy's" extra large 4x4 trucks that sometimes get less than ten miles a gallon. But many people here must drive many miles daily to work and back, so I think the price of gas and low paying jobs is forcing many here to park the 4x4 and get anything they can afford that pulls in 40 mpg and better..... IMHO.

If GM had kept the new Cruise the size of the Cobalt and lost some weight, I see no reason they could not of came close to building a gas car that would come close to having an epa of 45 mpg. But 45 for an all gas car would take away some motivation to buy some of the more expensive domestic hybrids I guess. Again, I'm only speculating.

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