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Old 11-23-2010, 01:09 PM   #105 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tim3058 View Post
In essence, only a few individuals out of society (a very small minority of like opinion) are qualified to know best, only a few have the wisdom, the intellect, the awareness, the purity of birth, to choose for the masses, and the majority of the human race has no right to disagree because they are lesser beings. I don't consider myself self-destructive, don't I deserve the same freedom those few higher beings retain for themselves? How do they justify their being higher forms of life than I?
Being in authority and being able to wield power is not only their justification but their vocation in life, to maintain their position as a career politician. It was Otto von Bismarck who said "politics is the art of the possible". He also said "He who has his thumb on the purse has the power."

What metric sets the "fools" apart from those who are self-appointed "Big brothers"?? Can anyone be voted in, or is it by birth?
In America, anyone can be voted into office if he can convince enough fools to vote for him. usually voters receive something in return for their votes. Look at Charlie Rangel. He wasn't born into congress. He probably would be re-elected (as he recently was) and remain in office even if he were sent to prison - which isn't going to happen.
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