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Old 11-23-2010, 08:43 PM   #4 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Don't know how old you people are but let's say I'm over 60. Old enough to remember that by now we were supposed to flying around out of our driveways by now. There has been no progress. It's 2010 already. In my neck of the woods they cannot make a train station where people don't fall between the train and the platform! They make the train station CURVED and the 90 foot long cars are STRAIGHT!. People might call themselves engineers but they sure as hell are BRAIN DEAD! Flat fronts on trucks and motorhomes? Square backs? Cars without full body pans underneath? Even Hitler got that right and how long ago? All you have to do is look at the pictures. You know they dropped the ball a long time ago. It's disgusting. Why are we even using windmills? Why aren't we using microwaves beamed from space where the Sun SHINES ALL THE TIME?

Hey, soon I'll be dead. I'm not going to see this futuristic world that was promised by the BRAIN DEAD engineers. They were making ELECTRIC cars and trucks way before I was born. What is that supposed to be the sum total of their "inventiveness", a car with a battery? Tesla had to have been so tormented with all of the idiocy surrounding him.

Well now that I have that out of the way, I'll get back to trying to streamline my giant square box of a motorhome. By the way, my research happened to make me stumble on that web page. If I'm allowed I may type out what I have been doing for the last 35 years saving energy. Way before this "GREEN REVOLUTION".
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