You are driving for maximum mileage and I see no problem with going to speed on a fairly cold engine. It's not like you are winding it up to anything close to max revs or power. Stay below 3500 RPM until the temp gauge has moved about halfway to normal operating temp.
Cooler oil is not a problem, with modern oils. You have plenty of pressure and lubrication almost as fast as you can let the key go back from cranking to running position.
You do want to make sure your oil filter has a check valve to keep it full of oil when the engine is off. Most of them have a rubber washer that you can see and it does that job. Just don't use the cheapest filters available since they might not have this feature.
The driving style of people who strive for economy definitely will always place less stress on the engine with lower loads and less heat stress. You do want to use a good oil that can provide a good surface film when you do restarts at much greater than designed numbers.