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Old 11-24-2010, 09:21 AM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: IL
Posts: 22

Jetta - '98 Volkswagen Jetta GLS
90 day: 34.22 mpg (US)

Beetle - '66 Volkswagen Beetle
90 day: 23.16 mpg (US)
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Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post
Jetta grille block ABA testing

Hello all. I'm rather new to the ecomodding thing, but I finally got around to testing my first aero mod on this car; strapping tape over the grille and the three lower louvers that this car has. My test track was a 9-mile stretch of highway from 7:30 to 11 last night, so it was a little cold. I set the cruise after getting up to speed and reset the UG as I passed mile marker 114. Then when I passed #105, I would note the MPG and speed readings. The exit was a half-mile later, where I would turn around, hit the on-ramp and repeat. Three rounds trips for A, three trips for B, three trips for C. It was about 220 miles. In the future, I will be using a 5-mile stretch and exit one ramp sooner. Anyway...

Here's what I got:
39.7 avg = 39.55

38.85 avg = 39.53

37.2 avg = 38.03

Do I then average the A values?
Aavg = 38.79
Bavg = 39.53

It would seem that I gained 0.74 MPG, or 1.9%, but the B average is lower than the A1 average, and the A2 just plummeted. Perhaps the temperature dropped? One thing I did note was that the intake temperature was around 60F when I started, and when I checked it on the last run, it was down to 28F. Next: stabilize intake temperature and repeat.

Outside of that, is my testing method reasonable?

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