Did I mention my hot air intake before?
Airdam is wearing, but still going strong. Hopefully the snow won't be the end of it.
Reverse mudflaps are still looking good.
I read somewhere on ecomodder.com about someone using turbulator or some other type of vortex generator tape on the A pillars to cut down on wind noise. I don't have any turbulator tape, but I do have a bunch of pink finer pads which will never get used, so I cut several up and applied them as you see here. It looks a bit goofy, but if it helps, I'm not complaining. I also used electrical tape to cover the gaps on the left and right of the windshield (where the A pillar covers meet the windshield).
I finally installed most of the "trip strip" cd talked about a page or two ago. I'll put the rest on the lower body panels in a few days, when it will hopefully be warmer outside. My fingers got numb after a while...
Detail of the "trip strip."