It's a 2011 Sonata (manual).
55mph shows 45mpg
60mph shows 41.5mpg
65mph shows 38mpg
70mph shows 38mpg
75mph shows 38mpg
This is with the built in average computer. Real data says it reads high by 2-3 mpg.
I was wondering about the gains on the belly as it seems a good bit of work if it won't net much. But then again, a 1 mpg increase over time will pay off.
The grill block I am thinking of would reduce the area by half, but from the sides.
Looking at some wide angle racing mirrors, the ones on it are huge.
Before I started looking at the grill block I didn't know where to start (might not still) but the dried rain flow patterns suggests this is a good starting point as the side areas look like they produce the most pressure.
Also looked at how the rain flow at speed was on the windshield and at first I thought I might not need a wiper shroud, but while driving in the rain (with Rain-X) without using the wipers, I noticed the flow from the drivers wiper was stagnant until a few inches above the wiper. The passenger side showed flow much closer to the hood.
The same flow on the rear window mirrored the antene shape.
I also noticed this car not only does not throw up much water, thanks to the 205's, but the overall spray coming from around/under the car is much less than other cars.
Did this by following another 2011 Sonata GLS and watching the effect.