Originally Posted by bluejoey
the biggest changes have come from driving.
Unless you go all the way and
basjoos your ride, turning it into an aerocivic lookalike
To see really big FE improvements, you need to go a long way with aero mods.
On the highway I stick to 55 unless absolutely necessary
That's low.
I'm experimenting with P&G in the city w/engine-on coasting in neutral during the glides
P&G is definitely something to try out - though it may not work if you can't accelerate efficiently enough.
With the engine on during the glide, you need to accelerate using considerably less than double your constant-speed fuel flow to see any improvement.
My car won't do that, but others have had more luck
highway P&G in drive, though I might stop that since it seems riskier with how fast other cars and semis travel.
Yeah, I won't even try it on our crowded highways.
People don't expect you to be constantly slowing down and accelerating. Especially if they're on CC it'd be a nuisance to them.
P&G around 55mph would also get you really slow at the end of a glide.