Cool, read 'em all, this was a fun & interesting thread........Way to go guys!
More & more States are mandating a minimum on the standard #2 diesel fuel at least B2 maybe Minn. is as high as B15, or at least they were proposing that. The source for that is from Biodiesel Magazine that I get every month. Also many biodiesel plants are idle, we can make more, it needs to be more available to the general public. The closest pumps comercially for me is 25 miles away for B5, & B20. No B100 or B99 here yet to the general public.
For me, I can't afford to push my monthly electric bill up any higher. The wife & I looked into getting some grants for solar & wind, but with even the help it would cost at least $30,000. If we lived anothed 20-30 years, we would not use or save that amount. So making my own BioD is something I could do right now in my farm truck & tractor. Eventually when my Toyota rots away, I'll get a diesel daily driver too. My wife loves her Honda's so no diesel there but maybe a hybrid at least.
It's gotta be BioD,