Before getting into being serious about saving fuel I had always used cruise, always kept a reasonable speed (with the flow) and coasted whenever I could. My average for severe in town (27) to highway with cruise on 70mph (35.5) netted me an average of 31.2 for ten tanks. My last three were 34, 32 and 34.6 when I filled up tonight. This is combined mpg as I am a courier here in Atlanta.
I was thrilled to get that and that was with engine on coasting when on surface streets and limiting my speed to 60 hwy on cruise (right lane only) and only coasting on the big downhills, and cutting the engine at traffic lights.
This next tank will be a little different as I am going to coast at every chance. Might even limit my speed to 2k rpm's (58 mph).
Now if I could get a weekend off to build the block, get the moon discs, and install some 5x2 inch wide angle mirrors to get rid of the stockers, which are 45+ square inches each......