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Old 12-06-2010, 10:02 AM   #169 (permalink)
t vago
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Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard View Post
What are their motivations?
You know, in your blind rush to defend AGW (anthropomorphic, or man-caused global warming), you seem to neglect that the same motivations that drive your characterization of Big Oil could also motivate the AGW crowd. Namely, profits. For instance, BBC, a major proponent of AGW, has been shown to have substantial (and by substantial I mean billions of dollars) amounts of money invested in companies that would do well if AGW legislation proposals were made into law.

Also, it represents a political power grab by the governments. How better to take power away from the masses and concentrate it among the ruling class, than to drum up some AGW scare and claim the only way to combat AGW is to pass horrendously restrictive legislation? That is also how AGW scientists get most of their funding, from governments through grants. If the government is insistent on pushing one side of this AGW debate, then of course they're going to deny research grants to people and institutions that might have questions about AGW.

It's like that video I posted earlier - that was actually made by a pro-environmental firm, with backing by major media companies and names. That's the attitude they display, that they alone are right, and everyone else who disagree with them should just disappear.