Here are some more considerations
-Public utilities must lobby elected (ie supposedly accountable) officials for rate increases... Mega bankers/oil barons (same group of criminal thugs actually) need merely unleash their market manipulators to drive the cost of oil / gasoline through the roof and the minute they think they can again, they will.
-People in houses can harvest their own electricity from their rooftops and in most states utilities are required to purchase/credit them for it at attractive rates. That said people with lots of land could make their own alcohol to burn in their ICE cars as well... put its not quite as easy (quite a bit of work actually).
-Electric motors are virtually maintenance free ... extremely reliable and very efficient. Internal combustion engines are incredibly complex with many points of failure and wear.
-The leaf / volt etc. are expensive now. But the price will come down once the technology is ubiquitous. Aside from the battery, there is no reason why a leaf should cost more than your metro.
Bottomline for local transportation needs electric vehicles win hands down and its seems in-spite of the wants and desires of the PTB the public will eventually have them.