I don't really want to argue gas vs electric here - but you do raise some interesting points.
Originally Posted by nmgolfer
-People in houses can harvest their own electricity from their rooftops and in most states utilities are required to purchase/credit them for it at attractive rates.
This is true, but solar panels are priced at about $2 a watt. To get sufficient charging capacity, you would need about 34kwh of daily capacity, about a 4KW system - $8000 in solar panels, plus storage batteries, unless you are home all day to charge. Amortizes in about ten years.
Originally Posted by nmgolfer
-Electric motors are virtually maintenance free ... extremely reliable and very efficient. Internal combustion engines are incredibly complex with many points of failure and wear.
True enough. Electric motors don't wear out like ICEs do, but that doesn't prevent rust or wear on tires, suspension, bearings, body, and so forth.
Originally Posted by nmgolfer
The leaf / volt etc. are expensive now. But the price will come down once the technology is ubiquitous. Aside from the battery, there is no reason why a leaf should cost more than your metro.
Sorry. Metro cost $200 to buy, and I have $1000 in it for a complete overhaul. Show me an electric car for that price and I'm all over it.
Used? You betcha.
Buying a new car doesn't save money OR save the planet. It may help the economy, though.
Maybe I can buy a used Leaf in a few years. It'll probably need a new battery pack........