I love the Forkenswift!! Despite the short range. I really think that's the way to get the vehicle you want - build it yourself. I've drooled over a lot of homemade/conversion cars, and I admire the skill and perseverance that leads people to build and use them.
But yeah, economics can be tough love....... Which is why the electric car is so hard to pay for right now.
Calculating kwh charges is not always easy.
Here's the bill we receive every month (its a large household):
1632 kwh............................ 147.04
Fuel................................... -11.59
Enviromental Charge 7.74%..... 10.48
School tax............................. 4.38
Total due............................ 150.31
So using straight division I get 9.2 cents/kwh. But looking closer, I see that fuel is a negative charge(!), and this actually fluctuates between bills. Also the enviro charge jumps around a lot. Summer electric tends to be more expensive, when you use it most.