With all the concern about I/O expansion I have to wonder how much room is left for code expansion. If I'm piecing bits of information together correctly on the 168 chip you need to use 011 IDE because later libraries are too large to fit. I assume that with the 328 chip it's possible to use the latest IDE but probably loose a fair amount of the expanded code space to the larger libraries. Having no idea the actual number I'll guess that 3/4 of the code space in the 328 chip is already consumed just to run existing features. I suspect the reason behind the bump in clock speed from 16Mhz to 20Mhz was because the 16Mhz could barely keep up. I expect all the timer resources are in use as well. Between all that there are limits to what can be added. I'm sure there is plenty of space for some useful features but unless someone takes on some serious optimization and assembly coding I don't expect there is room to turn this into a Swiss army knife of instruments. I wouldn't worry about adding I/O until there is a plan for them.
My personal wish list is to add a tach and 12 hour clock then fit it in the Civic/CRX dash clock housing. I have seen reference to a tach that may or may not be in the current version and now I see that FalconFour has been working on the clock. It seems that all that is required to meet my goals are to patch together some code that is mostly done and create my own version of the hardware.
I'm expecting to receive an Arduino Nano and a couple displays soon and will have a chance to start tinkering. Just have to teach myself C along the way.
I'm looking forward to playing with the interface circuitry. I have it sorted out what should work for my CRX HF but have yet so look into the requirements for my Volvo 240 Wagon that I will be driving over the winter. I'm almost hoping the Volvo is pulse and hold injectors so I have motivation and a test bed to address the problems with them. I have would shold be a rock solid solution in mind for the PWM type of drive.