This thread rocks, great stuff in here. I am working on efficiency for our house as well. I just replaced our thermostat with a programmable one. My wife is from vegas, so moving to Oregon ended up usually in some crazy heating/electric bills as I'd come home to a seemingly desert environment LOL! "But i'm still cold".
The thermostat we had was a generic turn dial and was horribly inaccurate. I installed one that has a sleep, wake, away and home mode. So at night it turns it down, turns it up in the morning as we are getting up, turns it down as we leave, and on again when we get home, cycle repeats.
Seems far more efficient, but I won't know till next month how it has affected us.
I am also finding that we have a lot of air leaks in our house in some places. This weekend i plan on getting some sealer to fix those. I also noticed that the outlets that were installed for our house leak a little air around some of them. We finally got that green channel here (can't remember exactly what it's called) but I saw an episode where they had these little rubber inserts that go behind them to seal them up and help. I think i'll invest in some of those.
Our bill is usually about $40-50 at all times. I've managed a few times to get it less than that. However, last month before we installed the programmable thermostat it was $90!!!!! But I'd come home and the heaters were left on.
Crossing my fingers hoping this helps a lot. I like this thread, lots of good info.