I've added voltage monitoring and converted the control board to surface mount, and converted the power board to be professionally etched with solder mask and stuff. I took off about 1.5" from the power board so it's 4.55"x8" instead of the old 6x8, so the voltage spikes from inductance should be smaller. Also, you can have the polypro caps right at the mosfet legs now, which is better at snubbing spikes. So, it's like for a very brief time that the capacitor/diode/mosfet loop is practically zero.
The voltage monitoring has already been tested by the guy that actually made the original control board. So, lots of safety features can be added with knowledge of the voltage. hurray! I'm going to add the voltage monitoring to the AC control board, so things don't get out of control with the regen. I need to get that working!