Originally Posted by alohaspirit
shes looking great
remind me again why the wheel skirts are angled like that?
Well, there is a 1/8" steel rod in the bottom edge, to hold a slight bow, so it can clear the tire. If the bottom edge is level, my butt-o-meter said this was not as good. I think there may be air coming out from underneath and/or getting behind the skirt? I did contemplate having them extend lower, but they did not look as good to me.
Another thought I had was, the bottom of the wheel is (more or less) moving in the same direction as the air that the car is pushing through. And, on cars like the Mercedes Bionic, the skirts are slanted...
So, the bottom line is they are slightly slanted because I had decided this was best; and I don't have enough big pieces of Coroplast to try anything else.