ok wow, I was obviously away from the website too long, and it seems that one guy with the video got banned over this... ok guys ya'll ranted on and on and on, and made a lick of sense.
I appreciate the input, I don't appreciate the retarded answers I got, keep them to yourselves, and the ones who said it's not possible, explain why please. Don't just say no, give me reasons why, and don't say "because bill gates said so", actually show me proof it's not possible or hold your comments.
But the same goes for those who believe it's possible, show me proof! A guy in Ohio, in Grove City produced a water car, and it worked. So it IS possible, but is it feasible? Ohio State University students just made a hydrogen vehicle that ran at 200mph so that trumps a lot of cars. College students made this for a stupid grade, can SOMEONE please give me a logical educated answer to this. No sarcasm and no half written answers, please leave out all the arithmetic as I don't care and don't understand math, and likely everyone else doesn't understand it INCLUDING the one who writes it. Those links I originally posted have 2-3 cars that produce fuel from water, so whats the deal guys?