The wheelbase is 92". The problem with using an existing chassis is the narrower rear wheel track. Dave Cloud had to completely rebuild the chassis behind the doors, and the roof was lowered, too.
The challenge with fitting 5 people in a short (less that 14') and tapered car dictates that the seating be upright. Which is my strong preference, anyway. I detest reclining back in a car.
The driver's head position is related to the upright seating, and the motion of the driver's head in a crash will be a radius that misses the windshield. I will likely put an 'X' harness with a lap belt. The seat could be lowered a bit, and the figures in the 3 forward seats are 6'-4" tall. The 2nd from the back is 5'-8", and the 5th in the back is 5'-0" tall. So, CarBEN EV is 4+1, I guess?
The exercise of building this card stock model is helping me think through the process. It is essentially mimicking the plywood formers that could be used to make the shell; like
Allert Jacobs' fairing: