dremd -
Originally Posted by dremd
I'd be OK with the SGII as is if need be, but I know I can get MUCH MORE out of this car if it was correct. I have an issue with highway driving it now (psychological) Basically if I'm going to get poor mileage I might as well go fast, it snow balls, and I end up like the average jack ass in about an hour.
I THINK that it works properly on MOST TDI's, BUT I could be dead wrong. This is primarily attributed to the fact that most people posting on TDI club are insistent that theirs is DEAD ON, they could be lying, or maybe only a few are dead on and they are the ones who post . . . . .. . .
And if it works on most cars I wish it would work on my car . . . ..
I would ask them if their driving context/commute is consistent. Ask them to gun it for one tank and be gentle for the next tank and see what happens. But that would cost them $, so maybe that isn't fair.