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Old 04-23-2008, 01:06 AM   #2 (permalink)
needs more cowbell
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pimp mobile - '81 suzuki gs 250 t
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Reality check,
Comparison of the options (above base freeduino + vehicle interface circuits + software development)

2x16 lcd
Area: 1x6cm=6cmSq
Cost: $10+$3misc + $3 (buttons)
Difficulty: 7
hokeyness: 3

4x20 lcd
Area: 2.2x7.1cm=15.62cmSq
Cost: $20+$3misc + $3 (buttons)
Difficulty: 6 (easier to hide arduino behind)
hokeyness: 2

Area: 5.5 x 5.5cm=30.25cmSq
Cost: $10+$5misc
Difficulty: 8 (have to program two devices and cobble multiple connections)
hokeyness: 6

the palm can display some large numbers though, but is a slow device and the original plan (OBDGauge) didn't prove viable, with my skill set anyway, so it is basically starting from scratch. I haven't sorted out the persistence yet, and hookup is a pain but it cant run on batteries very long with the serial port running.

I like the palm, but with a functioning guino board in hand (with LCD and buttons) it seems like the shorter and more straightforward route is to shelve the palm for now and focus on the guino. Unless that causes someone some serious heartache.
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