Originally Posted by RobertSmalls
...and why EVs alone are of doubtful environmental benefit.
As more of us, myself included, are transitioning to plug-in vehicles of some type or another, the controversial topic of mpge is being discussed with increasing frequency. . . .
I don't have a 'dog in that fight,' the value of MPGe, but I do have an interest in PHEV in no small part because our 1.5L engine 2003 and 1.8L engine 2010 Prius are getting nearly the same MPG with 10 years of technical advances between them. Also, there was a King County Washington report after a year of NHW20, PHEV Prius operation that saw rather modest MPG improvement in their fleet MPG.
I think PHEV can improve Prius performance if the control laws maximize the remaining, inefficient regions. This is different from trying to come up with an MPGe figure because it presumes a different application of the extra energy. But to test this hypothesis, I have to make a PHEV, in my case, our 2003, NHW11.
Bob Wilson