Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
Yes, just ask any firefighter. The fires are more common, bigger, and the fire "season" is much longer.
The landscape is the proof, and the landslides, and the shrinking snow pack, too.
That and California and the entire southwest of the USA will run out of water. Lake Meade (behind the Hoover Dam) will go too low to supply water very soon.
Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
6 months worth of rain in California in less than a week.
2" / hour rains in California, causing landslides,
Landslides are likely because of huge wild fires,
Huge wild fires are common because of droughts,
Droughts are happening because the snow pack is shrinking,
Snow packs are shrinking because of lots of heat: both in the summer AND because it is warm enough to rain in the winter *instead* of snowing...
So, were confused Neil.
Are you saying the drought is caused by GCC or the floods are from GCC ?
You gotta pick one.
The earth goes through cycles, back around the 20s and 30s people were saying coal was causing an ice age to start due to pollution blocking the suns warmth.
So, just what is the ideal ocean PH/earth temp/water:ice ratio ?